Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jan 3rd 2011 LED Group Buy is now closed

Thanks for everyone who ordered for Jan 3rd 2011 Group Buy, it is now closed.  Over 1000 pieces have been ordered.  We expect to be shipping the packages next week.

All orders are now being taken for the Jan 23rd 2011 Group Buy.  Expect to see some new items up within the next week.


  1. Can you post a status update on the group buy which ended January 3rd please? Have you received the mounted led's from ETG or started shipping yet? Your FAQ states it takes about a week for you to receive the mounted led's. It is now a week plus 3 days.

    Would appreciate a status report please. Thanks

  2. Hi Barrie,

    Thanks for the comments. The Jan 3rd group buy was suppose to be in my hands by yesterday but there was a "hiccup" in the order. If im not touching it today or tomorrow morning, I will have a post up and an email out to everyone letting them know there is a couple days delay in getting the order out. Sorry for any inconveniences this is causing, I will do my best to have everyones out the day I touch the LEDs.

  3. Milad,Thanks for the update, its completely understandable and the nature of a "group buy". I appreciate the update and the effort you have put into this.
